BEDFORD - Lela Mae Burke, beloved mother, grandmother, great-grandmother and sister, passed away in her home on Wednesday morning Nov. 10, 2021.
Funeral: 2:30 p.m. Friday, Nov. 19, 2021, in Greenwood Chapel.
She was an identical twin and the third of four children born to Emett and Mary Hart. She was born just outside of Butler, Mo., and at two months old moved to Eureka, Kan., where she grew up and graduated from Eureka High, class of 1946. She lived and worked in Eureka where she met her husband, Ernest. They were married on Sept. 3, 1950. They moved numerous times throughout Kansas during those early years, finally settling down in Fort Worth, Texas. During those years they had five children. Lela worked for Shannon's Life Insurance and National Truckers Service while raising her family. After the kids were grown, Lela worked for Central Christian Church, and enjoyed traveling and camping with her husband until his death in 2000. Lela continued to travel and camp with her twin sister, Lila for many years. Lela loved reading books, working puzzles, having her family visit and always enjoyed a bowl of ice cream. She was a member of Central Christian Church from the early 1970's and missed the fellowship in her later years as age kept her from attending. When Lela entered Heaven on Nov. 10, 2021, she was reunited with Ernest, her husband of 49 years and her infant son, Carl.
She is survived by her children and their spouses, Jim (Nicky), Cora (Val), Danny (Wendy) and Kenny (Karen); grandchildren, Cody James, Jeremy, Cody Wayne (Jessica), Cassie and Raelene; and great-grandchild, Amelia; twin sister, Lila; and numerous other family members.

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