Paul Hogan in the 1990 movie plays a serial con-man who, after a bump on the head and a near-death experience, becomes, well, almost an angel. Jesus, after his 40 days in the desert, is anointed by the Spirit of God to become an angel here on earth. The scripture "to preach good news" is, when translated most literally, means "to be an angel of good news" Each of us like Jesus and Paul Hogan go thru our deserts in order to emerge "ALMOST AN ANGEL". 
Luke 4:16 And He came to Nazareth, where He had been brought up; and as was His custom, He entered the synagogue on the Sabbath, and stood up to read. 17 And the book of the prophet Isaiah was handed to Him. And He opened the book and found the place where it as written, 
I. Something Has You and Won’t Let Go
“18 The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, because He has anointed me 
II. Something Had You and You Got Free
to proclaim release to the captives. to set free those who are oppressed;
III. You See Something That Others Don’t See
to proclaim recovery of sight to the blind.”
IV. You Say Something About What See
to preach the good news to the poor; 19 to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord. 
20 And He closed the book, gave it back to the attendant and sat down; and the eyes of all in the synagogue were fixed on Him. 
ACTS 10:38 God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and power, and how he went around doing good and healing all who were under the power of the devil, because God was with him.
➤ 1. RAIDERS OF THE LOST DREAM   Acts 2:17; Genesis 12:2; Hebrews 11
➤ 2. GOD HAS BIG PLANS FOR YOU   Psalm 139:13; Exodus 1:5; John 18:37
➤ 3. IT'S TIME TO MAKE YOUR MOVE  Joshua 1; Hebrews 4:1 
➤ 4. ALMOST AN ANGEL  Luke 4:16-21
➤ 5. MY NAME IS "ROCKY"  Matthew 16:13-19
➤ 6. I AM WHAT I AM  I Corinthians 15; Philippians 3:10-13
➤ 7. MORE THAN   John 21:15-18; 1 John 4:4-16

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